Hard Disk Sentinel Professional v3.40 繁體中文/簡體中文正式版(硬碟監控軟體)
Hard Disk Sentinel 它使用 SMART 技術監控硬碟健康、性能,及溫度等重要參數。
Hard Disk Sentinel 是一個多作業系統硬碟/ SSD的監測和分析應用。它的目標是尋找,測試,診斷和修復磁碟機的問題,報告和顯示SSD和硬碟健康,性能降級和失敗。
Hard Disk Sentinel 提供完整的文本描述,提示和顯示/報告最全面的資訊對硬碟和固態磁片在計算器內部或外部許多不同的警報和報告選項。
What's New :3.40 (4/11/2010)
‧detection of SATA disks configured to RAID arrays on INTEL Matrix RAID controllers (ICH7R / ICH8R / ICH9R / ICH10R / Series 3400)
Driver update may be required from the Driver Zone to get all information.
‧improved health calculation and information reporting for various SSD and HDD devices
‧reporting Advanced Format: physical sectors with 4096 bytes
‧improved surface test
‧user interface fixes and improvements
‧bug fixed with attribute database
System Requirements :
‧Pentium or compatible CPU
‧32 megabytes of system memory
‧15 megabytes of hard disk space
‧Windows operating system (Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, Windows 7, Windows Home Server) both 32 and 64 bit versions
URL : http://www.hdsentinel.com/hard_disk_sentinel_professional.php
Info Hash:99222a4d6e438567a095e132792fb7e09a1f55cf
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Hard Disk Sentinel Professional v3.40 英文正式版(監控硬碟健康軟體)